
The setting of the French version of Bovary was challenging as I had already participated in the construction of the Portuguese version. How to revisit the text?

The approach started with the lens object, which embodies the role of lawyers as guides, pointing to details, changing the way we perceive a story. The lens was explored on a large scale, forming screens that were joined, opening or closing in order to draw different spaces necessary for the analysis of the story. In a game of what is amplified by the game of lenses and hidden by the function and protection of the screen, the discussion of the lawyers intensifies.

Theatre de la Bastille, 2016
On international tour

Text and direction Tiago Rodrigues
based on the novel Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert and Flaubert’s process
French translation Thomas Resendes
Light design Nuno Meira
Set and costume design Ângela Rocha
Construction Marion Abeille
Photographs © Pierre Grosbois
Published in Éditions Les Solitaires Intempestifs
ProductionThéâtre de la Bastille
Co-production National Theatre D. Maria II, Arts 276, Centre dramatique national de Normandie – Rouen, Comédie de Béthune – Centre dramatique national Nord Pas-de-Calais et Théâtre Garonne – Scène européenne – Toulouse
Supported by O Espaço do Tempo (Montemor-O-Novo), de l’Ambassade du Portugal en France, du Centre culturel Camões et de la Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian